Sunday, March 24, 2019

Week 5- Hero & detail shots of Lumion model

Hero shot:

This is a hero shot of the entrance into the building. 

Detail shots


The 3 words I chose for Barnabeifreeman is "shadow", "refine" and "delicate". I have tried to incorporate these concepts into the design of their workshop and stairs with triangular geometric forms that immerse from the building. The shape of the building is trying to replicate a "refined" gem with many pointy shapes and the uses of glass. The stair is a breakdown from the geometric concept; with an irregular spiral staircase running down to the showroom.


The 3 words I chose for Off-White are "underground", "capture" and "peculiar". To express the concept of capturing, the workshop was not separated into rooms but divided by maze-like walls. With a wide range of textures used and the irregular terrace stairs, the design was able to create a peculiar feeling aswell.


Sunday, March 3, 2019

Week 2- Stairs SketchUp model

Initial sketch:

Final sketch of spaces and stairs:

SketchUp model:

Stairs sections:

The design uses these very fine, thin and small details to empasize the concept of delicacy and nature inspired by BernabeiFreeman's works. The spiral stair is position on the exterior of the house and lead to a long ramp on the exterior would allow the user to experience more spaces as they walk the stairs.

This design is inspired by the outragous and irregular of Off-White's works. Made of non-uniform huge concrete slab, it emphasize the boldness and peculiar of the company. This stair is on the exterior of the house because I want people to experience a lot of open space. 

Week 1- Words & Sketches


"zip tie leather sandal"

underground [noun]
capture [verb]
peculiar [adj]


"ism objects"

shadow [noun]
refine [verb]
delicate [adj]


"type 7"

machine [noun]
conquer [verb]
vintage [adj]

18 sketches: